Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to make a few bucks from image browswing

Hello fellow internet explorer! I'm glad you made it here, and i'm guessing that you had to "suffer" through a 5 second ad to get here. At the time that you read this, most likely you had to view another Linkbuks ad and yours truly made about 0.006 cents.
Let me explain myself. My name is Anon, and i'm a college student. I study Landscape Architecture and at my free time (witch is very limited) I surf the internet for entertainment just like you. Because my time is very limited, i can't get a normal job that wont risk me failing my studies. I take my studies very seriously especially because i'm on a social/economical state scholarship.
So i decided to combine my free time activities with my basic necessity of... having money for pizza/beer or the casual night out.  Linkbuks are sites that pay you via PayPal for every time one of the links you shorten using their services gets clicked.
Now, needless to say that they don't pay you buckets, they pay very little for every click, but they don't limit the amount of clicks you can get.  If you have a website with high traffic (a lot of people that visit and click your ads/links) you can make nice amounts of money but i don't have a website.
So what do i do?
I re-post. Yeah i re-post funny and interesting stuff that i find on the internet from one site to another. From Tumblr to FunnyJunk to imgur, from 9gag to Facebook to Twitter... etc. On every one of thees re-posts/re-blogs i attach a Linkbucs link, and if my content reaches high ratings or "front page" (and it normally does) allot of people click my links.
Now that doesn't sound so hard, or does is it?
Right now i'm making more or less 60 -70$ a month (it raised since i posted this : check em)  for a job of daily 20 minutes (witch i do anyway).
If you'r free time activities are the similar to mine, there is no reason why you cant do it.

Its very simple:

1. make an account at Linkbucs
2. create a link
3. post link with your content (you can literary post wherever. i recommend FunnyJunk.com)
4. ???
5. Profit

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